Blog articles published by

Colin Tudge

The battle for Darwin’s soul

Darwin was much influenced first by the gloomy T R Malthus and then championed by the pugnacious T H Huxley. Colin Tudge suggests that if only Darwin had known the Russian naturalist and activist Peter Kropotkin the world might now be a very different place Two of the most influential books published in the 19th … Read more

Onward the Greens! 

Colin Tudge predicts big political re-alliances over the next few years – with a growing army of Greens  All political parties are coalitions. As someone once remarked re the Church of England, no two people sharing a pew think exactly the same, and this is abundantly true too of politicians sharing a bench. But some … Read more

A new bottom line

— and a glimmer of hope. By Colin Tudge Keir Starmer promises change – but the change he is promising is of a very limited kind. Whatever form it takes it will be within the present “neoliberal” economic paradigm: an all-against-all competition with the world at large to increase material wealth, known as “growth”. Within … Read more

Life is a master class in cooperativeness

Competition, beyond doubt, is a fact of life. But, says Colin Tudge, the essence of life is cooperation  It almost goes without saying that individuals gain from living in societies, and that all creatures depend to a greater or lesser extent on others of their own kind. Children need their parents. Vultures scavenge more effectively … Read more

The biology of compassion: work in progress

Colin Tudge introduces a new series of blogs on whether and to what extent the insights of modern biology can throw light on matters of morality, and hence on politics and economics  In a nutshell, I want to argue that humanity has been led astray these past few thousand years, and particularly over the last … Read more

The road to renaissance

Nothing short of a cross-the-board transformation – Renaissance — is needed to rescue the world from its present decline. But, says Colin Tudge, we first need to lay the foundations.

Four great thinkers whose ideas could save the world

Colin Tudge nominates four 20th century prophets who between them said most of what we need to know to put the world to rights. But the powers-that-be have their own agendas.

GUEST EDITORIAL by Professor Tim Gorringe: The Christian attitude to nature

Christian theologian Tim Gorringe argues that “To trash or seek to dominate this Creation is not simply unethical but is ‘the most horrid blasphemy’” In his recent blog “Fellow Creatures” Colin Tudge suggests that the traditional Christian attitude to the natural world is inadequate, not to say flawed. Christians, he says, take their lead from … Read more

Labour, the Tories, and the natural world 

Neither of the leading political parties in Britain has proper respect for the natural world, or anything like. Indeed, says Colin Tudge, both are a million miles from what’s needed   The first thing we should ask of any political party and would-be government is that it should state its Goal.  What are they – … Read more

Why won’t the powers that be tax the rich?

Britain and the world could solve all its financial programmes overnight if only we introduced a more egalitarian economy. So why, asks Colin Tudge, won’t any major political party do what’s obvious, or even take the idea seriously?  The Tories and Labour alike both emphasize the need for economic growth. Or indeed as Liz Truss … Read more