Blog articles from the Ingredients of Renaissance section of The Big Idea

The ingredients of Renaissance

The Big Idea > The ingredients of Renaissance

The road to renaissance

Nothing short of a cross-the-board transformation – Renaissance — is needed to rescue the world from its present decline. But, says Colin Tudge, we first need to lay the foundations.

Only a people-led cross- board renaissance can save us now


An attempt to summarize 50 years or so of contemplation in one 20-minute narrative on what we need to do, and can do, to pull humanity and the world back from the brink of oblivion. By Colin Tudge The world is in a dreadful mess – who can doubt this? — but it doesn’t need … Read more

The essential ingredients of the Global Renaissance

A checklist of the six very big ideas that we need to develop and act upon if we are to save ourselves and the rest of the world from what at the moment looks like an inevitable meltdown.  These notes are meant to accompany the new videos – the five conversations on “Real farming, good … Read more

What the mind-shift entails


My excellent friend Ziauddin Sardar – a former colleague from New Scientist and now founder and editor of Critical Muslim – has summarized the mind-shift that’s needed as follows:  “We need to move from disciplinary enclaves to integration of knowledge. This journey begins with the acknowledgement of (a) the limitation of disciplinary perspectives that cannot … Read more

The meaning of “radical”


Within days of her dubious appointment as Britain’s Prime Minister in September 2022 Liz Truss and her chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng produced a budget-that-wasn’t-a-budget — which was widely condemned by experts the world over, and by people-at-large. Ah, she said, but we are merely being “radical” – which is necessary to get us out of the … Read more