Blog articles by Suzanne Wynn

Suzanne on Food

The Unintended Consequences of Eating Less Meat.


Against a barrage of calls to cut our meat consumption I believe there have been some unintended consequences that work against most people’s desire to eat more responsibly.

Real Bread Is On The Rise


Declines and resurgences in foods tend to reoccur in cycles as can be observed with bread, which Suzanne think is currently on the up.

How People “Cook” Today


Cooking Skills in the UK have taken a sharp downturn. Suzanne presents her evidence and for the sake of our farmers hopes we can turn things around.

Smoked Salmon – off the Christmas Table


With smoked salmon off the table, what will take its place over Christmas?

Getting the British Pulse Racing Again


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It is exciting to see the revival of ancient pulses, which we were in danger of losing altogether. One strong factor that works in favour of a resurgence in popularity is the general trend towards eating less meat. There are certainly many recipes to choose from.

Apples Worth Shouting About


Apples are our national fruit, yet I wonder how many people feel excited by them? Community Orchards and events such as Apple Day get people reconnected with this fruit.

The Science of Ice Cream


Is cookery an Art or a Science? Ice cream making is very much at the Science end of the spectrum as a new generation of gelato makers attest.

Eating for Pleasure


As someone who lives to eat rather than the other way around, I am rather shocked by the rapid rise in serious eating disorders. Summer presents numerous opportunities for making a meal an occasion to remember so lets enjoy them!

Endangered Foods


Many “endangered” foods are still being grown in people’s gardens, however the commercial sources have become extremely scarce.  The summer months provide an abundance of examples.


Barbequing is the one form of entertaining that seems to be growing in popularity rather than declining. Hospitality seems to come less naturally to us than the Greeks. But can you learn to be a good host?