Colin Tudge’s Great Re‑Think

This website is intended to identify and develop the ideas needed to rescue humanity and our fellow creatures from what is now the brink of total disaster — for if only we did conceptually simple things well then we and our fellow creatures could still be looking forward to a long and glorious future: the next million years for starters.

Recent articles from the Blog

Dorothy Hartley’s Food in England


The post-Christmas period is one in which I used to enjoy reading the latest new cookery publications, but there have been very few of quality in recent years.  So, I was more than happy when Colin suggested I devote an entire blog to one of our enduring favourites – Dorothy Hartley’s Food in England.

What is “biodiversity? – and what price BNG, aka “biodiversity net gain”?


The launch of a new series to explore the ramifications of a huge and very tricky concept that has become a buzz word and is the subject of new laws.  By Colin Tudge  Developers or anyone else who aspires to change Britain’s landscape significantly is required these days to demonstrate that their project will achieve … Read more

1. Biodiversity: a necessary concept but not sufficient


An introduction to the first of four sections of an intended series on the infinitely complex issue of biodiversity. By Colin Tudge What, first of all, do we mean by “biodiversity”? Most obviously it is taken to mean the number of species in a given habitat. But this immediately raises a whole raft of issues. … Read more

The fork in the road


We could still aspire to the Sunlit Uplands, says Colin Tudge – but the world’s leaders are taking us and our fellow creatures in the opposite direction. The “People-led Renaissance” is necessary and urgent  Truly, humanity has reached a fork in the road; and, influential creatures that we are, whichever way we go we will … Read more

The Big Idea

The Big Idea is divided into the following chapters: 

The pic — of me (CT) among some of John Letts’ Heritage wheat in Buckinghamshire — encapsulates some of the prime themes of The Great Re-Think. For John raises genetically diverse cereals on soils of low fertility year-on-year: no fertilizer, no pesticide, no herbicide, no digging, no fallow, and all wonderfully wildlife-friendly: key principles of agroecology applied to arable. All this is the complete opposite of the modern, industrial trend — monocultures of uniform crops chemicalized to the hilt. To rescue the world at this late hour we need to apply such radical thinking to all aspects of life.

Colin Tudge among some of John Letts’s Heritage wheat in Buckinghamshire

Recent comments

  1. Thanks Carol – I’ve order some OFFO tape. The info about fruit fly vinegar is interesting but I also won’t…

  2. Hi Suzanne The tape I used is OFFO. Yes, I’ve tried CDs but it takes quite a bit more of…

  3. Thanks for your feedback Carol. I shall look for the tape you suggest but have also had some success hanging…