
A list of all the articles published on this site

  • No new thing under the sun

    This article is intended to show how the world’s great literature has tackled the problems of food and farming these past 3000 years. AlThough agriculture and the world in general have changed beyond recognition, the most fundamental problems – of politics, the economy, and above all of mindset — are the same as ever. Every…

  • Getting the British Pulse Racing Again

    It is exciting to see the revival of ancient pulses, which we were in danger of losing altogether. One strong factor that works in favour of a resurgence in popularity is the general trend towards eating less meat. There are certainly many recipes to choose from.

    5 responses
  • The greatest mistake of modern humanity

    The economic theory that now prevails worldwide – the capitalist offshoot known colloquially as “neoliberalism” – is killing us all, says Colin Tudge Human history to a great extent is a saga of heroism and endeavour and imagination and self-sacrifice and a search for truth but it’s also a saga of huge mistakes, and of…

    2 responses
  • Webinar no. 2: The absolute importance of peas and beans

    Colin Tudge talks to JOSIAH MELDRUM and NICK SALTMARSH, co-founders of HODMEDODS, and arch developers and promoteRS of pulses. Pulses have long been key players in agriculture and the human diet and in almost all the world’s cuisines – fixing nitrogen, rich in protein, and the basis of some of the world’s most popular and…

  • Of HS2 and GMOs

    Not harbingers of progress, says Colin Tudge, but symptoms of folly. Why do we continue to make the same mistakes?  Rishi Sunak has been desperately trying to explain to a bewildered nation and his own party and perhaps to himself why HS2 was a brilliant initiative when the government of which he was a part…

    One response
  • Apples Worth Shouting About

    Apples are our national fruit, yet I wonder how many people feel excited by them? Community Orchards and events such as Apple Day get people reconnected with this fruit.

  • A webinar with ANN PETTIFOR

    One of the few people in the world who really understand the global economy We’re launching a new series of webinars and podcasts with thinkers and doers who really are helping to change the world for the better. We’re focused on Enlightened Agriculture (aka Real Farming) – what it is and why it must become…

  • Is it time to break the law?

    The most serious divide in the present world says Colin Tudge is not between political parties or rival religions or between religion and science but between those who realise the gravity of the world’s present plight and want to do something about it and those who seek primarily to exercize their power and maintain the…

    7 responses
  • Farmer Starmer

    The Labour Leader has shown some encouraging interest in farming of late. But, says Colin Tudge, none of the mainstream parties in the UK takes agriculture seriously enough and none has an agricultural strategy that comes close to meeting our own and the world’s real needs  It was good to see Keir Starmer interviewed in…

    2 responses
  • The Science of Ice Cream

    Is cookery an Art or a Science? Ice cream making is very much at the Science end of the spectrum as a new generation of gelato makers attest.