
A list of all the articles published on this site

  • Real Bread Is On The Rise

    Declines and resurgences in foods tend to reoccur in cycles as can be observed with bread, which Suzanne think is currently on the up.

  • A people-led renaissance needs people-centred spaces

    To create the kind of world that could keep humanity and our fellow creatures in good heart we need radical thinking and new ideas. But first, says Jane Powell,  we need to create the conditions — the “space” —  in which the necessary thinking can take place  Discussions of food and farming in progressive circles…

  • How People “Cook” Today

    Cooking Skills in the UK have taken a sharp downturn. Suzanne presents her evidence and for the sake of our farmers hopes we can turn things around.

  • Fellow creatures

    An on-line book about the natural world and our attitude towards it, to be published blog-by-blog in irregular instalments PREFACE  PROMETHEUS AND ICARUS – A TALE OF TWO GREEK HEROES Biology is my thing. I’ve been engaged with it for more than 70 years. It’s what I focused on at school and in my cold…

    One response
  • Smoked Salmon – off the Christmas Table

    With smoked salmon off the table, what will take its place over Christmas?

  • Why are governments so bad?

    Colin Tudge suggests that the reasons lie partly in our biology, partly in logistics — and partly in present-day, siloed education To the standard list of global disasters – global warming, mass extinction, famine, war, poverty, inequality, and general nastiness and injustice – we should surely add “bad governance”. For all of the most obvious…

  • Can organic farming feed the world?

    It’s too early to tell, says colin tudge. BUT we ought to give it our best shot On a recent Farming Today This Week on Radio 4 a Shropshire farmer who among other things grows wheat, declared that organic farming is “never going to feed the world”. And this view is clearly shared by many…

    3 responses
  • Morality, reality, and policy

    Economic strategies worldwide take precious little account of the world’s real problems, says Colin Tudge  Even at this late hour, we (humanity) might still realistically hope to prevent the world’s final descent from catastrophe into meltdown – provided we took the real problems seriously enough and really were prepared to do, in Rishi Sunak’s bulldog…

  • Only a people-led cross- board renaissance can save us now

    An attempt to summarize 50 years or so of contemplation in one 20-minute narrative on what we need to do, and can do, to pull humanity and the world back from the brink of oblivion. By Colin Tudge The world is in a dreadful mess – who can doubt this? — but it doesn’t need…

  • Agroecology, food sovereignty and the absolute need for economic democracy

    This blog is from a guest contributor, Professor Michel Pimbert of Coventry University — on the corporate takeover of the world’s farming and hence of our food supply, which is increasingly abetted and ratified by governments like ours and even these days by the United Nations. This power-shift is seriously undermining the principles of Agroecology…