A list of all the articles published on this site
Continuing the subject of Not Much Meat, Suzanne considers little things that punch way above their weight in terms of flavour.
Follow-on dishes are rooted in the frugal habits of peasant cookery and frequently use less meat than the original dish. They should be part of the natural rhythm of cooking.
Against a barrage of calls to cut our meat consumption I believe there have been some unintended consequences that work against most people’s desire to eat more responsibly.
Nothing short of a cross-the-board transformation – Renaissance — is needed to rescue the world from its present decline. But, says Colin Tudge, we first need to lay the foundations.
Colin Tudge nominates four 20th century prophets who between them said most of what we need to know to put the world to rights. But the powers-that-be have their own agendas.
Neither of the leading political parties in Britain has proper respect for the natural world, or anything like. Indeed, says Colin Tudge, both are a million miles from what’s needed The first thing we should ask of any political party and would-be government is that it should state its Goal. What are they –…
Britain and the world could solve all its financial programmes overnight if only we introduced a more egalitarian economy. So why, asks Colin Tudge, won’t any major political party do what’s obvious, or even take the idea seriously? The Tories and Labour alike both emphasize the need for economic growth. Or indeed as Liz Truss…
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